Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Changes that affect "integrity" of a possible landmark district....

A)Trim again is being added, this time stapled around the windows, with additional shutters being plastered on the prior minimal facades. Prior the trim was manufactured off site on other block changes, this time its more of a hurry to get it in...

B) plantings changed for "showcase" units emphasize drought resistant plantings, and change the original plant types without review.

C) Did you order a crown? Like mall designs, the units on Arballo are being served a crown, as large moldings painted black are added to the tops of units, a quick search online determines that no permits were issued for this work, again the city is not paying attention to developments and change in character and alterations that affect a possible landmark candidate.

D) Revise, Revise, Revise, until no-one knows whats new or old, the planters out front of the towers were being worked on again today, in addition landscape installed less than a few years ago, is removed and other types will be planted. What a waste, as usual, no input, no review, no info. on the costs, and waste of this effort on the landscape changes. Jackhammers go during the day, more signs of un-habitability of these units with on-going construction, landscape work, and development daily.. Moving trucks appear more frequently, students move in, families move out...

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