Tuesday, July 22, 2008

SFSU CSU cuts trees along right-of-way without permits posted

SFSU CSU again goes forward with development(s) and fails to notify surrounding communities of their ongoing devastation. A full mature grove of trees on the south side of the library along Holloway was cut down recently. There was no notification on the construction site fencing, and no posting of the pending work on the trees themselves. President Corrigan was noted standing along holloway with a police squad car observing early morning watch duties since the SFSU campus was seemingly un-aware of the work to be done. This street is a public right-of-way and as such trees within 15'-0" of the roadway would be required to be "permitted" prior to such work. Jason Porth PR man for the SFSU masterplan noted that CSU is not required to post signage or permits for such work. The police presence and President Corrigan's checking in shows what concern they have for tree-huggers who never appeared both from on the campus or from the neighborhood until it was too late. University officials should be held accountable for such work done without notification. If city and local developers are required to permit such tree-removal, than so should SFSU, and landmarking of trees on campus should also be a requirement by law so that development plans dont consistently over-ride tree-scape. No modern library regardless of the design, will replace the natural beauty lost to the chainsaws...

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